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Health Priorities. #1: Physical Activity

I don't think it's controversial to say, that if you were at your doctor, and he told you to do something to remain healthy, you should probably do it. Good doctors are conservative, so if they are telling you to do something they've probably given it some thought and made the best recommendation for you. (Of course, if that something is a drug, you'd research it and maybe get a 2nd opinion, but we're talking lifestyle changes here)

If you asked your doctor how much you should be exercising, he/she would probably say something like this:

150-300minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week,


75-150minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week,


-Resistance training of moderate or higher intensity of all major muscle groups twice or more per week.

These are the national guidelines for physical activity in the USA (from what I can see they are basically identical for South Africa, and are made using the same data.).

Now, this is not to "Get jacked" or be a "gym bunny" this is the bare minimum, recommended by physicians and scientists in oder to remain healthy and avoid many non-communicable diseases.

Ask yourself honestly how you think you are doing with that?


Lets break it down:

"Moderate intensity aerobic exercise" think brisk walking, jogging, cycling, hiking etc.

"Vigorous intensity" - think 100% effort sprinting (either on foot, on a bike, rower etc) or crossfit type competitive sport, bootcamp type stuff

"Resistance training" - weight lifting or body weight strength training (calisthenics).

Now a huge chunk of South Africans spend 95% of a normal day sitting or sleeping. We drive to work, we sit at desks, we drive home, we sit at the TV or desk in the evening, we go to sleep. The vast majority of people don't even met these most basic and minimal recommendations.

So what could this look like?

"Moderate Intensity Aerobic exercise"

- Just try to walk more in daily life.. Park further away from the shop you are going to. Get up from your


desk every 25mins and walk around for 5mins.

- Get involved in an aerobic physical activity. This could be as involved as buying a mountain bike and becoming a bike addict or joining a jiu jitsu centre, or simply committing to walking the dogs (or just yourself!) twice a week for 35-60mins (on top of your "just trying to walk more" as above). What would fit into your life?


"Vigorous intensity aerobic exercise"

Sprinting and "HIIT" This is what I prefer!

I am just the type of person that is a bit "all or nothing" so for me, spending 12-18minutes absolutely flat out and almost killing myself, is far preferable to long sessions running or on an exercise bike.

Very high intensity training is very good "bang for buck" which is what I love about it. You can get a great workout and really feel like you've given it your all in under 20mins.

Having said that, there are benefits to both High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and good old "low and slow" aerobics (jogging etc) so personally I try to do at least 1 session of each per week.

Find out what works for you and in your life.

Specifics....Try sprinting on a rowing machine for 20s, and then resting for 100s. Then repeat that 6-10 times. Super easy! (if you find your performance during that sprint drops off a cliff at some point, you're done for the day)


NOW comes the bit most people leave out:

2 or more sessions of resistance training per week.


While walking, jogging, cycling etc are all great for you, they don't tend to build muscle or really load your skeleton. Lifting heavy loads increases muscle mass, increases bone density (Ladies, want to combat osteoporosis?) and incorporates both levels of aerobic activity as well!

Resistance training will look different for different people....Do you want to only use body weight? Do you want to workout at home? Do you have some equipment? Would you rather go to a Gym or a crossfit box to workout? Are you actually interested in getting strong and doing barbell training? Is that a bit much for you and you'd rather stick to machines?

These are all perfectly acceptable forms of resistance training....the most important thing is finding something that works FOR YOU and that you will actually do. I've got some great home workouts to try, or contact me for some stuff tailor made your your fitness level and situation ;)


I think this last point is the most important. If you find a way to incorporate physical activity into your life that you can deal with (at a minimum) and maybe even really enjoy, and make it a part of your daily life, the change will become "just something you do" every day and you actually may start to really enjoy it!

Meeting or exceeding these physical activity guidelines is perhaps the most important factor to start to prioritise, not only because it reduces your risk for cardiovascular disease/stroke, obesity, diabetes, cancer etc but also because it tends to influence other factors down stream that also benefit your health. If you suddenly discover you actually love mountain biking...maybe you'll quit smoking. Maybe you'll have a couple less drinks on Saturday night because you want to go hit a trail run on Sunday morning. Maybe you're tired of lugging the extra weight on your hikes so you decide to really take a good look at your diet!?

I've found massive physical and psychological benefits from regular physical activity. 10/10. Would recommend.

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