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The Health and Fitness Rabbit hole.
I thought I’d do a little “n=1” testing on some health/fitness products and methods that I always believed in…..The answers may surprise...
Why "Super Simian"?
A few people have asked me “Why ‘Super Simian’?” The shortest answer possible is “Evolution”. The simians are “the "higher primates"...
"IF" you want to lose Fat...
Try Intermittent fasting! I love fasting. It feels great to be able to just ignore eating for a morning, or even a whole day, and get...
The Gym. I’m sure just the word “Gym” brings up the personification of discomfort or intimidation for many people. “I’m not worthy.” We...
Eating Easy.
How many different diets, fasts or nutrition ideas have you heard about in the last week? With Social Media and the internet, lately I...
Why Health Coaching?
Why are health coaches necessary now days? We have doctors and physiotherapists and personal trainers....Why should we use a Health...
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